The Vin Diesal film leads the US box office charts.
The fear of being affected by radiation has prevented authorities from collecting around 1,000 bodies of the March 11 earthquake and tsunami victims from within the 20-kilometer-radius evacuation zone near the troubled Fukushima nuclear plant.
Model Kate Moss believes she was a stripper in her past life and more fashion news
The film which barely cost $3 million and about $25 million to market has grossed a strong $63 million in three days including $41 million in North America.
These elite up-and-coming companies have more than just great financials.
An Indian-origin student who was found guilty of bias intimidation for spying on his gay roommate's sexual encounter has asked a judge to grant him probation instead of a prison sentence, even as letters of support from his friends and family were submitted in court.
Stars not to twinkle in tsunami-hit villages
Entrepreneur couple Vaani and AVIS Viswanathan share the secret to being happy.
It's gladdening to see an animation in Ghatothkach's honour -- a not-too-often-mentioned personality who went against his rakhsas nature epitomising heroic virtue and scrupulous devotion.
Is the increase in the rise of prices of essential goods of daily use affecting your monthly budget? What steps are you taking to soften the blow?
Owen Brents, the unassuming winner of the sixth season of Masterchef Australia reveals how he went from being a bobcat driver to a culinary sensation
Aseem Chhabra's take on the highlights of Indian cinema this year.
Karan Gupta, overseas education consultant, examines the importance of securing internships before graduation.
A few insurers offer you and your family insurance products that offer protection against swine flu.
'John Lasseter gave me such good advice. He said the reason why he wanted me to tell the story was because it was about my dad and me. He said if it is a father and son story, it will relate universally.' Star Pixar animator Sanjay Patel tells Aseem Chhabra/ the back story behind his new film, Sanjay's Super Team, which features Hanuman, Vishnu and Durga as superheroes.
A look at the Nintendo Wii and few of the best games that you can play on it.
'I was very wary about stepping into the limelight and the populist role like Sherlock Holmes, but the minute I saw who was involved and read the script and the quality of it I thought: I've got to do this.' Benedict Cumberbatch tells CNN International why he nearly turned down the chance to play Sherlock Homes.
Charles Darwin found his passion playing with rocks halfway around the world.
'We need to celebrate those that buck the stereotype, such as Malala, Toorpekai, and Ziauddin Yousufzai in Pakistan. But, by the same token, we also need to condemn blind adherence to tradition in the urban, civilised areas of the West as in the case of Savita Halappanavar,' says T V R Shenoy.
'The Maharashtra government diktat is another meddling example in an industry where politics or language has no role to play.' 'Cinema has a universal language. Filmmakers are divided across regions, but united in their passion for films,' says director Suparn Verma.
'In the newsroom, the thought process is about understanding the story and trying to look beyond the obvious. The fiction-writing process is similar in many ways but more internal.'
Arthur J Pais interviews John Madden, director of the Marigold Hotel films, on the difficult task of creating an equally hilarious and as feeling a sequel.
'Thirty years ago, if you walked into a chawl, there would be three TV sets in 30 houses. Today, you'll see TV sets in all 30 houses. So the viewers have increased, but of a certain strata. Sadly, the educated and upper classes have stopped watching TV shows because of the availability of the Internet.' Balika Vadhu writer Gajra Kottary tries to explain to Ronjita Kulkarni/ where Indian television is going wrong.
The year 2014 is coming to an end. It was the year of conflict, the year of strife. Year 2014 will be remembered for several reasons -- the rise and threat of the Islamic State, the downing of two Malayasia Airlines aircraft and the sudden and effective way of using hastags on social media to generate a buzz about the event. After all, who can forget #theicebucket challenge and the phenomenon it grew into. Read on as we bring you an overview of international news and events of 2014.
'I like the thought that I am competing successfully with writers much younger than me,' says Ruskin Bond.
The failure of the Congress to win the hearts of even the Muslim victims of Muzaffarnagar riots exposes what's wrong with Rahul Gandhi's leadership. His statement that Pakistan's ISI was targeting the victims may have cost the party their trust. Rather, those who advise Gandhi are so brazen politically that they ask the UPA government to give reservations to the Jat community, perceived to be the aggressor by the Muslims of Uttar Pradesh.
Is the Sania-Shoaib-Ayesha controversy a media monster or are the parties directly involved responsible for being pushed into the limelight?